Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - On August 18, 2024, at approximately 11:15 AM, Missoula Police Department Officers responded to the Mullan Road Walmart regarding a person to be removed. Upon arrival, an officer met with a Loss Prevention Officer (LPO) who advised that Walmart had been having ongoing issues with 36-year-old James Belisle. Belisle repeatedly trespassed and stole merchandise from the store.  

The LPO advised that Belisle had repeatedly stated that he would continue to return to Walmart knowing that he was trespassed. The officer confirmed that Belisle faced multiple reports of shoplifting from this property which has resulted in several calls for service. These reports of similar behavior were filed on June 5, June 6, June 17, June 18, July 17, and August 17.  

READ MORE: Man Steals From Missoula Store for the Fourth Time This Month

The officer located Belisle on aisle 18 and observed him carrying a backpack containing merchandise. The officer contacted Belisle and directed him toward the loss prevention office. The officer asked Belisle if there was anything concealed inside the backpack that he was carrying and he said, “No”.  

As they approached the exit, the officer again asked Belisle if he had any items inside his backpack that had not been paid for. Belisle again stated that he did not. The officer then instructed Belisle to go into the Loss Prevention office. Belisle refused and threw the backpack down which was recovered by the LPO.  

Upon searching the backpack, items of merchandise including alcohol, deodorant, Legos, and other miscellaneous items were located inside the backpack, which also belonged to Walmart. According to court documents, the total value of the merchandise was $71.06. Officers confirmed with dispatch that Belisle had been permanently trespassed from the property on June 8, 2024. 

Belisle was placed under arrest and was transported to the Missoula County Detention Center. He is currently being charged with felony burglary and his bond was set at $2,500. 

The information in this article was obtained from sources that are publicly viewable. 

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Gallery Credit: KC

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