For those of you tuning in to our statewide radio show, "Montana Talks" with Aaron Flint, we told you about this candidate for Congress in Colorado with a crazy new campaign commercial.

We were talking about the gun control debate with's AWR Hawkins, and he mentioned how this Democrat congressional candidate in Colorado literally got pepper sprayed- all in an effort to promote more gun control measures.

As National Review reports, Levi Tillemann wants to arm teachers....with pepper spray:

“Empower schools and teachers with non-lethal self-defense tools, like this can of pepper spray,” Tillemann urges in the video. “Pepper spray doesn’t cost much and it can be safely stored in a break glass in case of emergency cabinet. But it’s powerful and won’t accidentally kill a kid.”

The UK Daily News reports that Tillemann is "a former Department of Energy official during the presidency of Barack Obama, and managing partner at the technology consulting firm Valence Strategic."

Click below to watch the video.





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