At the close of last week's legislative session, much was made in the media concerning dissension in the ranks of Montana's Republican legislators, especially due to leaked emails from leaders seeking to oust more moderate members.

Will Deschamps of Missoula is the state party chairman.

"First of all, Montana is a center-right state, and that means you've got Republicans from one end of the spectrum to another. We are going to have disagreements and differences of opinions. Those differences are normal and are usually very strongly held, especially in politics," Deschamps said.

Regarding the emails that have made the news, Deschamps offered a word of caution.

"When emails are written, someone's going to read them, and so if you don't want stuff getting out there, don't put it in an email. I think whoever sent out those emails would like to retract that wording, but goodness gracious, when you have strongly held principles regarding your stance on an issue, obviously you're going to promote yours over someone else's," Deschamps added.

With the announcement of Democratic Senator Max Baucus' retirement, Deschamps had little to say about any possible Republican challengers.

"I have no report because absolutely nothing had happened in Montana politics regarding the Republican party this week. This obviously is a big deal, and I think there's a lot of people yet to be heard from," Deschamps said.

State Republican Party Chairman Will Deschamps


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