The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Will Continue To Manage The National Bison Range
The Department of the Interior sent out a press release Wednesday, May 17, detailing future management plans for the National Bison Range north of Missoula. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Spokesman Ryan Moehring explains.
"The Department of the Interior has reviewed the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's proposal for management of the National Bison Range and determined that it will remain under ownership of the Fish and Wildlife Service," said Moehring.
Moehring says the decision came down from Secretary Ryan Zinke.
"Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke, has stated 'I took a hard look at the current proposal suggesting a new direction for the National Bison Range and assessed what this would mean for Montana and the nation. As Secretary, my job is to look 100 years forward at all of the Interior's resources. I recognize the bison range is a critical part of our past, present and future, which is why I have changed course'," Moehring said.
Though announced Wednesday, the decision has been in process for at least a month.