In an effort to make Missoula streets  safer some bike lanes will be getting  new, longer-lasting epoxy paint starting on Tuesday. Director of Public Works, Steve King says in addition to painting designated bike lanes, the city will also paint 168 bike route markers, or sharrows.

King says  cars cannot be parked on the street during the painting and residents should be on the lookout for notices that their streets will be closed to parking just before and during the painting for the rest of the week.

The following streets will be painted during the project:

Higgins Avenue: Connell to South

Stephens Avenue: Mount to Orange

South Third Street West: Walnut to Russell

Russell Street; McDonald to 39th.

Spruce Street: Madison to Orange

Van Buren Street: Vine to Missoula

Van Buren Street: Broadway to railroad overcrossing

Bancroft Street: South Avenue to Southwest Higgins

Orange Street: 1st to 6th

South Avenue: Russell to Garfield

Madison Street: Broadway to Spruce

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