School Choice Rally in Helena Monday [AUDIO]
Activists who want to reform the Montana education system will hold a rally on the Capitol steps in Helena Monday at noon.
Americans for Prosperity-Montana is supporting the rally by the Montana Family Foundation to kick off 'National School Choice Week', nationwide. Activists want to take action on education reform in Montana.
Speaking at the rally will be Montana's newly elected Congressman Steve Daines along with Montana Senate President Jeff Essman. and House Speaker Gordon Vance.
Later that day, they will testify on behalf of two bills that would represent steps to promote school choice for Montana families. A hearing on SB81, the Tax Credit Scholarship and Education Improvement Grant Bill, will be held in Room 303 at 3:00PM. At the sime time, a hearing will be held in Room 137 on HB 213, which provides a tuition tax credit for nonpublic school education in grades K-12.
Opposition to the bills is anticipated from the combined teachers union the MEA/MFT, as school choice has the potential to lower enrollment in public schools, thereby decreasing funding.
Deputy state director for Americans For Prosperity Henry Kriegel