Ryan Zinke Criticizes Obama’s Invitation to Terror Summit
Montana Congressman Ryan Zinke was on national television recently, criticizing president Obama’s invitation of Muslim Public Affairs Council Founder Salam Al Marayati, a man some accuse of being a terrorist sympathizer, to the violent extremism summit last week. Zinke compared the invitation of Marayati to Obama’s refusal to meet with Bejamin Netanyahu on On the Record with Gretta Van Sustern.
"Well I think its a slap in the face to Israel," Zinke said. "I mean the speaker Boehner invites Prime Minister Netanyahu and this administration invites a terrorist sympathizer. I think the contrast is clear. Israel has been our partner, in the war on terrorism. You know, I'm speechless because once again its a slap in the face of Israel, and certainly this is why our allies dont trust us, and our enemies no longer fear us."
Zinke also challenged the Obama Administration's war tactics.
"If the mission is to degrade and destroy ISIS, and all your senior military leaders, those you have experience, General Abizaid, General Conway, who I fought with in Fallujah, are all saying the same thing, air operations alone will not be effective, in completing your mission, then, who's advising the president?"
During the interview Zinke also asserted that “Boots on the Ground” would be necessary to defeat ISIS.
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