Representative Steve Daines Comments on Situation in Iraq
Representative Steve Daines released the following statement Thursday in response to President Barack Obama's announced plans to send up to 300 U.S. military advisers to assist the Iraqi military in combating al-Qaeda:
"As instability in Iraq continues to worsen, it is clear that only Iraqis can secure their future," Daines said. "Iraqi leadership must address the concerns of their citizens from all sects and ethnicities, and Iraqi Security Forces must fight against al Qaeda-linked forces with urgency and resolve. While only Iraqis can take these critical actions, we also cannot allow the lives of the 4,486 Americans who died in Iraq, including 28 Montanans, to casually go in vain. I strongly oppose any American boots on the ground, but I will closely analyze other limited options put forward by our military commanders to help repel al Qaeda forces in Iraq, safeguard U.S. security interests and protect our diplomatic and civilian personnel in Iraq. As we move forward, it remains critical that the President closely consult with Congress and seek any necessary authorization as decisions are made."
Senator John Walsh also shared his opinion this week on the U.S. intervening in Iraq’s dilemmas. Click here to find Walsh’s statement.