Fox Asks Congress to Investigate China’s Role in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Montana Attorney General Tim Fox has joined with 18 other states attorneys general in sending a letter to the Trump administration asking Congress to investigate the communist Chinese government’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic. Fox described the issue to KGVO News on Monday.
“We know that the virus did originate in China and we know that the Chinese government has worked very hard to try to disguise that, or cover it up,” Fox said. “We need to get to the bottom of that. I think it is also important to see if there are malfeasants that occurred there because that has cost lives and certainly destroyed the economy of not only America, but of the world.”
Fox said the ultimate responsibility for the pandemic must be investigated and the Chinese government must be held responsible.
“The Chinese government needs to be held accountable for that,” Fox said. “Let’s see what Congress does. We will continue to put the pressure on not only Congress, but the Chinese government to tell us the truth.”
Fox said only the federal government has the power and authority to hold the Chinese government responsible for the worldwide pandemic.
“There have been a couple of states who have filed lawsuits against the Chinese government and we have looked at those,” Fox said. “They are very difficult things to determine standing and the way forward on those. I think the federal government has the obligation to hold the Chinese government accountable.”
The letter concludes with these words:
Congressional hearings are critical to our Nation’s understanding of the origins of COVID-19 and efforts by the communist Chinese government to deceive the international community.
In addition to Montana, the following states’ attorneys general signed onto the letter: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia.