Daines on Fox News – ‘We Caught New York Red Handed’
Montana Senator Steve Daines appeared Tuesday on Fox News with Neil Cavuto as he has introduced a bill that will prevent any funds from going to states that give cash payments – directly or indirectly – to illegal immigrants.
“We just found out in the state of New York just passed a bill allocating $2.1 billion for illegal immigrants,” said Daines. “If you were an illegal, undocumented, unemployed immigrant in New York, you're eligible for up to a $15,600 check, perhaps a debit card.”
Daines explained the purpose of his bill.
“What I'm doing here in Washington is saying that if New York is going to do that, and then backfill those dollars with the federal stimulus dollars, they can't do that,” he said. We will put an end to that. Because I don't think the taxpayers in this country should be funding those kinds of initiatives in places like New York. New York ran a surplus last year, and now they can throw $2.1 billion to illegal immigrants in New York and expect the federal taxpayer to backfill behind it. That's wrong. My bill stops that.
Cavuto asked how Daines’ bill could make any difference retroactively, after the funds have already been sent.
“Yes, we can,” he said. “There's a clawback in this bill that I've got on the floor of the Senate. What we’re doing is holding a state like New York accountable. They just passed the bill last week. We need the American people to rise up and confront New York. The fact is that they're giving a $15,600 check to an undocumented, illegal unemployed immigrant. That's 11 times more than the stimulus payment to the American people per person.”
Cavuto asked Daines if Leader Mitch McConnell approved of the legislation.
“He does, absolutely,” he said. “In fact, it's one of these provisions that has kind of slipped by everybody. We've caught New York here, red handed in pushing $2.1 billion. And it's yet another incentive to come across that open southern border.”
Additionally, the bill includes language that would allow the federal government to recoup any cash given to illegal immigrants by a state that has already received money from the president’s massive spending bill.
There has been no response as yet from the White House on Daines' proposed legislation.
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