Transient with Scratched Face Charged with Third Partner Assault
49 year-old transient Scott Lee Asbury was held on $10,000 bond on Monday in Missoula Justice Court after allegedly beating a woman at the Poverello Center.
Deputy Missoula County Attorney Caitlin Williams asked substitute Justice of the Peace Ryan Phelan for $25,000 bond because Asbury is considered a Level III offender.
“This defendant is charged with partner or family member assault third after he punched the victim repeatedly, giving her a black eye and a loose tooth after a night of drinking,” said Williams. “The defendant claims that the victim woke him up by hitting him with a flashlight.”
At his justice court appearance, Asbury’s face was clearly injured with several deep scratches.
Williams explained why she was asking for such a high bail for a transient.
“The defendant is homeless and has a number of failures to appear in court on his record,” she said. “He has two prior PFMA’s and a robbery conviction. The victim has stated that the defendant is bipolar and has not been taking his medication, so if released, the state would require that he take his medications as prescribed.”
After the public defender at the jail argued that Asbury was a transient and could not afford to post $25,000 bail, Judge Phelan set bail at $10,000.