The ‘Be a Guardsman’ Event Saturday at National Guard Armory
For men and women who are seeking additional money for college or a new career, the Montana Army National Guard is hosting its ‘Be a Guardsman’ event at locations throughout the state this Saturday.
Sergeant First Class and Marketing NCO Todd Carver has details from his office in Helena.
“The Montana Army National Guard is one of the best kept secrets out there right now, and so we're trying to make it so it is not the best kept secret and introduce what we do and how we do it to new people who might be interested in the Guard,” said Sergeant Carver.
One incentive for those planning for a college education is funding from the Montana Army National Guard.
“Up to 100% of tuition will be waived and we have up to $50,000 in student loans that could be repaid, as well,” he said. “If you qualify for that, we have a lot more to offer individually and equally as important is what we can do for the state of Montana in the time of need.”
Carver said the Army National Guard is not just for men.
“Exactly what we have for the young men is available for the young women, too,” he said. “We just did a quick series on our social media sites on the women in the military as well as women and how they now have the same opportunity as men in combat arms.”
The ‘Be a Guardsman’ event is being held in multiple Montana communities on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. till noon. In Missoula, the event is at the National Guard Armory at 9383 Running West Road, just past the Wye off Interstate 90.