Senator Jon Tester

Tester On The War On Terror
Tester On The War On Terror
Tester On The War On Terror
The prolonged war on terror by the United States military is a success. Senator Jon Tester explains what he learned on a recent trip to Iraq and Afghanistan.  The volatile mid-east region has erupted with civil unrest in Yemen, Jordan and most notability Egypt...
Trade Agreement Negotiations
Trade Agreement Negotiations
Trade Agreement Negotiations
With upheaval around the globe senator Jon Tester says job creation in the United States has a lot to do with trade agreements. Senator Tester believes tax reduction, debt reduction and manufacturing will all play a key role in economic recovery...
Testers’ Dirt Bike Bill
Testers’ Dirt Bike Bill
Testers’ Dirt Bike Bill
Senator Jon Tester is the  new chairman of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus.  Tuesday Tester  will  introduce a bill he says will strengthen Montana’s outdoor heritage.
Tester On Iraqi Government
Tester On Iraqi Government
Tester On Iraqi Government
The troop draw-down in Iraq is scheduled to be complete by the end of 2012. Senator Jon Tester says he is comfortable with what he is hearing from that countries government.
Iraqi Self Reliance
Iraqi Self Reliance
Iraqi Self Reliance
With the draw-down of American troops in Iraq it is important that responsibility be taken by that government to rebuild the Nation. Senator Jon Tester says he is seeing progress to that end.
Onerous 1099 Reporting A Mistake
Onerous 1099 Reporting A Mistake
Onerous 1099 Reporting A Mistake
The Affordable Care Act of 2010 will undergo many changes. Senator Jon Tester tells us about one change that will be made almost immediately.  Senator Tester explained the 1099 provision was included in the legislation as a way to collect more revenue...
Senator Tester On Items Of Importance
Senator Tester On Items Of Importance
Senator Tester On Items Of Importance
The 112 congress is under way. Montana Senator Jon tester outlines issues he will be working on. Senator Tester says getting used to the speed at which issues of national importance are dealt with has been the largest learning curve in his first term...
Senator Tester On Debt Ceiling
Senator Tester On Debt Ceiling
Senator Tester On Debt Ceiling
Senator Tester starts the new year off with a live interview with Pete Deneault (photo by Aaron Murphy) U.S. Senator Jon Tester says increasing the debt ceiling will help both houses of congress get their arms around deficit spending. Senator tester calls the debt a bi-partisan issue.