Montana Legislature

UPDATE – Funds for Missoula College on Hold for Now in Montana Legislature – Student Leader Promotes South Campus Location [AUDIO]
UPDATE – Funds for Missoula College on Hold for Now in Montana Legislature – Student Leader Promotes South Campus Location [AUDIO]
UPDATE – Funds for Missoula College on Hold for Now in Montana Legislature – Student Leader Promotes South Campus Location [AUDIO]
On Wednesday, The Montana Senate Finance and Claims Committee to table a $180 million dollar state plan to fund building projects on state campuses, including monies for the Montana College project in Missoula.
Administration Challenges Revenue Projections
Administration Challenges Revenue Projections
Administration Challenges Revenue Projections
The governor's budget director is challenging the Montana Legislature for painting what he describes to be an artificially gloomy budget picture. David Ewer told an interim committee of lawmakers Monday it is now clear that more money was available than the Republican-led Legislature used for its budget. Democrats say that money could have been used for many things, such as more state construction
Montana’s Legislative Election Map To Be Redrawn
Montana’s Legislative Election Map To Be Redrawn
Montana’s Legislative Election Map To Be Redrawn
The commission charged with drawing Montana's legislative districts is adopting a new statewide approach rather than doing it piecemeal by region. The Montana Districting and Apportionment Commission made the decision Tuesday in hopes of having a proposed map for public review by year's end.

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