Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - Smokey Bear (please remember, it’s not Smokey THE Bear, just Smokey Bear!) turns 80 this year, and the U.S. Forest Service is celebrating in many ways, including festivities at the Western Montana Fair at noon and 4:00 p.m. on Friday.

I spoke with George Geisler, Washington State Forester on Friday about the iconic ‘Spokesbear’ for wildfire prevention. Geisler provided a thumbnail history of Smokey Bear.

Smokey Bear Celebrates his 80th Birthday This Year

“Smokey has been around since World War II, starting in 1944,” began Geisler. “The first images of Smokey came about when the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters felt like they needed a way to address the wildland fire, or at that time it was called the forest fire, problems that had arisen.”

Over the decades, Smokey’s message has not changed that much, because kids will always be kids.

Smokey's Message is that of Personal Responsibility

“Over the years, Smokey has kind of continued with his message, basically pointing towards personal responsibility,” he said. “The idea being that a lot of folks spent time out in the forest or in our natural landscapes, and they started campfires and making sure that the camp fire was out, or, in more modern times, just being aware of things that we could be doing that spark fires, like dragging chains with our trailers are driving on a flat tire.”

I asked Geisler to imagine how many more wildfires might have occurred if Smokey Bear hadn’t been around to remind us about safety.

“So the fact that Smokey Bear’s message is still out there, still reminding us of the fact that we can prevent forest fires, to me, has always made me understand that there are so many more opportunities for forest fires, and we have seen more. But you have to ask yourself, how many more would there be if Smokey was not around, reminding kids and adults alike of the fact that they can prevent a forest fire.”


I Give my Best Shot on 'Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires'

I then asked Geisler if I could do my best ‘Smokey Bear impression’. He said.. ‘give it your best shot’.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to give you my best Smokey. Are You Ready? Okay, Only you can prevent forest fires’. How was that?’ ‘Well done. You definitely have a voice that sounds very much like Smokey."

With wildfire season in full swing, it’s definitely a good time to keep Smokey’s message in mind...say it with me...‘Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires’.

The Amazing New Missoula County Fairgrounds Grandstands

From up close setting to rodeos and other events to the expansive views from the top, the new grandstands at the Missoula County Fairgrounds are perfect for everyone

Gallery Credit: Dennis Bragg

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