Spring has at last arrived and many of us are once again heading back into the fields and range lands, into the rivers, and into the back-country for work and to play. As our surroundings are greening up, it is important to remember that not all plant species are native to our region. Some are noxious weed invaders that restrict access to irrigation, degrade wildlife habitat, reduce water quality and quantity, and decrease productivity of croplands and grazing lands. Elizabeth Galli-Noble with the Center for Invasive Plant Management/Montana State University says it is important to  report noxious weeds.

To report noxious weed sightings  you can  sign up and use the new tool at www dot eddmaps.org/mrwc. Galli-Noble  says the system is fast, easy to use, and is freely available to anyone in the head-water states of Montana, Colorado, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming and has been has been expanded to five additional western states: Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington.

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