At 4:00 p.m. on Monday, February 8, the portal for 400 COVID 19 vaccinations will open at COVID 19 dot Missoula dot co.

This short notice announcement was received by KGVO News just moments ago, and we are passing this information on to the public as quickly as possible.

Public Information Officer Haley Devlin provides details.

“Missoula City County Health Department will hold more public vaccination clinics on Tuesday February 9 and Wednesday, February 10, at the former Lucky's market in the Southgate Mall,” said Devlin. “Approximately 400 first dose COVID-19 vaccine appointments are available with 200 appointments scheduled each day. Appointments will open online at 4pm on Monday, February 8. The link to make appointments will be available on the vaccine information page at COVID-19 dot This clinic will not take walk ups and appointments are mandatory.”

Devlin said there is new software to make signing up easier for the public.

“These appointments will be offered online only due to the low volume of the appointments being offered,” she said. “We have also adopted a new online appointment software that will now require only a first name, last name and email address of the patient for an appointment. submitting a phone number to get an appointment reminder via text message will be optional. Appointments are only available to county residents who fall into Tier one of Phase One B.”

Devlin said she appreciates the public’s patience in rolling out the vaccination clinics.

“We appreciate the public's patience as the large disparity between the number of people seeking the vaccine and the number of vaccines available to assist,” she said. “The vaccine shortage is nationwide. Community Leaders continue to advocate for more doses at every opportunity. Missoula County is ready to deliver 1000s of doses each day as soon as the vaccine supply increases and is made available.”

Again, the portal to apply for these vaccines will open at 4:00 p.m. on Monday. The doses will go quickly, so be prepared to be online at 4:00 p.m.


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