Obamacare to Reopen for COVID 19 Health Insurance
The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is making a special appearance for those families without health insurance who are being affected by COVID 19.
Jeremy Smith, Program Director for the Montana Navigator Program said that Healthcare dot gov is reopening to help COVID families.
“Normally there's an annual open enrollment period to sign up on healthcare.gov that runs from November 1 to December 15,” said Smith. “However, we know that thousands of people across the country, in fact, millions of people have lost their health insurance and their jobs over the past year, so President Biden just announced that if you need to get a health insurance plan, you'll be able to do that now on healthcare.gov. They're reopening the open enrollment periods.”
Smith said signing up as soon as possible will provide coverage more quickly.
“So many people are used to getting their health insurance through their job that they may not even know about this option,” he said. “We really want to make sure we get the word out and that people go ahead and take this opportunity and get signed up because the quicker you sign up, the quicker you can get coverage for you and your family.”
Smith stated the obvious that all individuals and families need health insurance.
“It's important to have health insurance,” he said. “One car wreck or one trip to the hospital could potentially bankrupt you and your family if you don't have coverage, so we want people to go ahead and take advantage of this opportunity and go ahead and get signed up just as soon as possible.”
Smith said those interested in signing up can get help through his organization.
“We have what's called Certified Health Insurance Navigators,” he said. “We can actually take the burden off of you and help you through the whole process. Whether you just have some questions or if you actually want help doing the application, we are reopening all of our appointments back up, so if somebody wants help, they can give us a call, and we'll make an appointment with you and we'll go through the entire process and make sure that the plan that you want is going to be best for you and your families.”
Visit Healthcare.gov or call (406) 430-0005 to reserve a telephone appointment with the Navigator program to get free enrollment assistance. Consultations are available over the telephone or through a telehealth option which will allow callers to see their application completed in real-time. There is no charge for enrollment assistance.
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