Missoula Weekly Crime Report: Molotov Cocktail and Drugs
The Missoula County Attorney’s Office charged 18 new criminal complaints this week, which is the same as last week and slightly above the weekly average. On Friday morning, County Attorney Kirsten Pabst appeared on our Talk Back show and provided her report. She said four of the cases this week involved interpersonal violence.
“In one case there was some pretty serious stalking behavior and threats to harm an intimate partner,” Pabst said. “We charged three other violent crimes. One involved an assault at the skate park and another involved an assault with a baseball bat, which was followed a short time later by an arson involving a Molotov cocktail.”
In that particular case, the defendant also allegedly tried to run over a restaurant employee with his car.
Pabst said her office also charged one sexual intercourse without consent case and two endangerment cases.
“In one, the allegation was that the defendant was DUI with a seven-year-old child in the car,” Pabst said. “In another, the defendant was charged with criminal endangerment after selling fentanyl to a person who then died of an overdose. We charged four property crimes. In one, the victim was an elderly woman and the defendant was her caregiver. In the drug category, we charged three cases. There was one meth case, one meth plus fentanyl case, and one meth plus fentanyl plus heroin case.”
In the administrative crimes category, they charged a failure to register as a violent or sexual offender. You can listen to Pabst’s full report below: