Cole Francisco, dubbed 'the Lolo Flasher' entered a plea of not guilty in Missoula District Court on Tuesday morning. 

Chief Deputy Missoula County Attorney Jason Marks said one additional charge was filed against Francisco, 22, in addition to two misdemeanor and three felony counts of indecent exposure.

"When Missoula County Attorney Kirsten Pabst filed the case in district court this morning, she added an additional charge of criminal possession of dangerous drugs," Marks said. "A bottle of Ketamine was found in Mr. Francisco's car when the sheriff's department instituted a search warrant. Ketamine is a schedule one dangerous drug that is normally used for surgical procedures, but is also popular as a date-rape drug."

Marks detailed the possible penalties that Francisco might face.

"If he is found guilty of all the charges against him, he could face up to life in prison," he said.

At his justice court appearance last month, Missoula County Attorney Kirsten Pabst appeared for the State.

“I would ask the court to set the bail in the amount of $125,000, $25,000 for each alleged account your honor.” Said Pabst, ” As the court is aware, this case involves five different counts, aimed at girls between the ages of 11 and 15, it involves him loitering around bus stops and middle schools, targeting these young victims.”

Pabst says Francisco is also on probation for masturbating while spying on a woman, convictions in California for gun violations, and possibly even more illegal activity.

“Additionally he has admitted to exposing himself to an unknown woman this last year on campus and has indicated that he is having an extremely difficult time stopping this behavior.” Said Pabst, ” His actions have clearly demonstrated a community safety risk.”

Francisco was a registered student at the University of Montana prior to his arrest, but is now forbidden to be on campus. He remains jailed on $125,000 bond.



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