Man Charged With Assault After Cracking Woman’s Ankle With Propane Tank – Held On $30,000 Bond
30 year-old Deran Taylor is in the Missoula County Jail charged with felony assault with a weapon after allegedly cracking a woman's ankle with a propane tank and causing other injuries.
Deputy Missoula County Attorney Amber Henning told Judge Marie Anderson that Taylor was a danger to the community.
"The defendant has pending domestic violence charges in other places against this same victim," Henning said. "This victim described numerous assaults, and the defendant has demonstrated a pattern of violence against this victim and we are requesting a bail that reflects the danger to this victim."
Henning also said that Taylor has a history of not showing up in court.
"He has a risk of failure to appear, with at least one conviction of failure to appear in 2008," she said. "Additionally, despite being served with a no-contact order by the sheriff's office in this case, he almost immediately called the victim twice from the jail. In addition to the $30,000 bail, we also ask that there be no contact with the victim."
Judge Anderson set bail for Taylor at $30,000.
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