$3.66 billion dollars....a day!!  That's how much our National Debt increased during the over 1400 days that Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House. Yes, in just over three years, our National Debt has increased by over $5 trillion dollars...and that works out to $3.66 billion dollars...a day! That's about $30 million dollars an hour. Is it any wonder why no one in Washington really wants to tackle this problem? Each man, woman and child in America (that's a little over 330 million) are responsible for about $45,000 of that debt. One Talkback caller suggested that amount be placed in our credit rating, making it impossible to qualify for a loan. I guess the question is...how can we solve the problem..and pay off this massive debt? Joe Glenn was fond of saying.. 'How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!' So....who wants to take the first bite?

Peter Christian


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