If there's any indicator that the world may or may not have the right perception of Montana, it may be the influx of residents who moved to Montana because they were inspired by the TV show "Yellowstone."

It makes you wonder if people do research before visiting or moving to a place. But then you also have to wonder what AI or search engines know about Montana, and how accurate it is.

Google Autocomplete Results for the United States

Have you seen those interviews that celebrities do with Wired Magazine where they answer the most Googled questions about themselves? Well, it's fair to say Montana has reached celebrity status, so let's play the same game.

The Instagram account Civitas Pix gave this a try already because maps and graphics are their jam. This is what they came up with.

You have to remember that search results can be influenced by past search behavior. And, you can see in the tiny print that those searches were from 2014. So what happens when a Montanan ("It's me, hi, I'm the Montanan it's me")  uses Google autocomplete on questions about Montana and Montana cities in 2024--a decade later than the search above? Here's what you get.

Why is Montana so...

Google search results why is montana so

Bingo. "Cold" has fallen to number three on search because the question on every Montanan's mind is, "What is Montana so expensive?"

There are reasons, and data to back up those reasons, but sometimes you want to shout into the void of the internet, "Yeah, but why?!" Given that the top three auto-completes are "expensive", "empty", and "cold" it looks like Montana is going through an existential crisis.

READ MORE: There Are Only 2 States Where It's Harder to Buy a House Than in Montana Right Now

Let's break this down a little further. Here's is what Google autocomplete says about Montana cities:

Why is Missoula so...

Google search why is missoula so

Is two a pattern?

The second autocomplete is timely after the winter we just had in Missoula. There were weeks where Missoula was socked in with fog nearly every day. But thanks to geography and reliable weather patterns, there is an answer to why Missoula is so foggy.

Why is Bozeman so...

google search why is bozeman so

Three must be a pattern.

Why is Billings so...

google search why is billings so

Ooof. What makes this one rough is that Billings has been ranked the most depressed city in America. 

Why is Helena Montana so...

google search why is helena montana so

At least it's not expensive.

Why is Great Falls Montana so...

google search why is great falls montana so

Souvenirs? Aw, that's nice.

Have you tried this before? What kind of autocomplete questions do you get about Montana?

See If You Can Identify These Montana Lakes Using Google Earth Images

From above, Montana's lakes may be less recognizable than you might think. Test your knowledge--see if you recognize these Montana lakes from Google Earth images.

Gallery Credit: Ashley

7 of the Best Places For Fishing in Montana

Looking for a great place to go fishing in Montana? Here's a list of the state's most popular fisheries.

Gallery Credit: jessejames

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