Drugs, Violence and Burglary Dominated Missoula Crime This Week
The Missoula County Attorney’s Office charged 13 new criminal complaints this past week. County Attorney Kirsten Pabst says five of those cases involved some form of violence.
“There was one partner or family member assault and one violation of an order of protection, third or subsequent offense,” Pabst said. “One woman was charged with assault on a peace officer for an event that went down at Walmart. A man was charged with indecent exposure, second offense. Then we finished it out with a cruelty to animals charge.”
According to Pabst, her office charged one case that involved five counts of trespass to property and trespass to vehicle.
“In that situation, the allegation is that the defendant unlawfully entered three vehicles and some occupied homes,” Pabst said. “The defendant was confronted by home owners. Apparently, there were at least four different calls to 911 regarding some suspicious behavior on his part. He allegedly stole some clothes, pills, and other property.”
Pabst says there was another complaint that involved five counts of burglary.
“The allegation there is that the defendant burglarized some storage units and moved the items into his own storage unit,” Pabst said. “He allegedly pawned some and gave some away. The defendant was arrested when he attempted to burglarize another unit. He drove into a locked facility and got locked inside. Police were called to help him get out.”
In addition, Pabst says her office charged three drug cases.
“In one of the cases, a forest service officer was traveling home on his motorcycle and noticed an erratic female on the road waving a knife,” Pabst said. “She allegedly tried to get on his motorcycle and appeared to be under the influence. The sheriff’s office responded, arrested her on a warrant and discovered drugs during an inventory search.”
Pabst says her office also charged one felony DUI. In that case, the defendant was pulled over for going 62mph down Brooks street in a 35mph zone.