Chamber of Commerce Unveils 10-Year Strategic Plan To Improve Montana
The Montana Chamber of Commerce unveiled its 10-year strategic plan, Envision 2026, to the public last week. Montana Chamber President and CEO Webb Brown says the plan has four specific objectives to move Montana up the national ranks in multiple categories.
“One is work force development, we know that is a big issue for Montana businesses right now and Montanans as well,” said Brown. “Second is business climate in general, the cost of doing business in the regulatory and legal environments. We are putting more focus on specific areas, one is workers compensation and safety in the work place and another is legal environment.”
Brown continued and described the final two objectives they plan to focus on.
“The third objective is infrastructure investment,” Brown said. “That is something we haven’t had in a major way for the last couple of sessions and we know we desperately need in Montana. The final one is entrepreneurship and sustainability of business. That is the direction we are heading and I would say it is almost a doubling of our efforts in the past.”
According to Brown, investors have already invested more than $800,000 to fund the first five years of the plan.