The Missoula City County Health Department reported 128 new COVID 19 cases over the weekend into Monday, and another local death.

Incident Commander Cindy Farr provided the numbers.

“It has been a very busy day,” said Farr. “We are reporting 128 new cases since last Friday. So we had 37 on Saturday 34 on Sunday and another 57 today, and we are now currently actively monitoring over 1,600 close contacts and we had another unfortunate sad death over the weekend as well.”

Farr said the new cases are coming from a wide variety of ages and backgrounds.

“We reported more cases in our older folks and senior care facilities, which is why we put out the additional guidance on restrictions last week,” she said. “We're also seeing it associated with different sports, and so that's really contributing to our high number of close contacts, because with certain sports there's no way to stay socially distanced or to be able to identify just a small number of close contacts. It's really happening within those types of groups along with different friend groups and coworkers.”

Farr said more local restrictions could be on the way, due to the increasingly high numbers of COVID 19 cases and the resulting contacts.

“We are going to be meeting with our COVID subcommittee of the Board of Health later this week to be discussing the indicators and the possibility of further restriction but we don't have anything concrete right now.”

The COVID 19 death reported Monday morning is the eighth in Missoula County. No details were released about the victim.

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