Wednesday morning, the David J. Thatcher VA clinic in Missoula officially administered the 10,000th COVID 19 vaccination to a Montana veteran, Kent Stewart.

Dr. Judy Hayman, Executive Director of the VA Montana Health System celebrated with this statement.

“We're excited to share with you today that we have vaccinated our 10,000 veteran,” said Dr. Hayman. “Our staff across the state and our 17 sites of care couldn't be more excited and we're hoping that you will all get your vaccination too. I'd like to also share that all of our veterans in our Community Living Center in Miles City are fully vaccinated, and over 80% of VA Montana staff are fully vaccinated, as well.”

Senator Jon Tester provided a statement.

“I Want to congratulate VA Montana for getting 10,000 vaccines into the arms of Montana veterans,” said Senator Tester. “I also want to thank the veterans out there for armoring up against COVID-19. I appreciate everybody's good work and their commitment to get this pandemic behind us.”

Montana’s entire Congressional delegation provided comments for the occasion, including Senator Steve Daines and U.S. Representative Matt Rosendale.

“Well thank you for serving our country and leading by example, by getting the safe, effective and free COVID-19 vaccine,” said Senator Daines.

“Thank you for answering the call to protect this nation,” said Congressman Rosendale. “Together, we will conquer this pandemic and get back to normal.”

The new David J. Thatcher Veterans Clinic on West Broadway is now under construction and is due to be completed this winter.

(photo by Matthew Rosine)

LOOK: Here are the biggest HBCUs in America

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