Students attending the University of Montana can now earn an undergraduate degree in neuroscience, the study of the nervous system and the brain. 

UM Biology Professor Jesse Hay said the degree will bring together a large number of disciplines under one umbrella.

"It's a very broad-based interdisciplinary major with all intersecting areas of neuroscience," Hay said. "There's a lot of psychology, a lot of biology, a lot of biomedical science. There are prerequisite classes in chemistry, physics, and mathematics. It's pretty much the who gamut of neuroscience."

Hay said the several parts of the degree have been offered for years at the University of Montana, but this is the first time they have all been brought under one umbrella.

"We've added some very specific new courses together and weave those different perspectives together that we already had the expertise for on campus."

Students can choose from two tracks: cognitive and behavioral neuroscience or cellular and molecular neuroscience. The first option prepares students for careers in human-centered neuroscience fields, such as occupational, physical and speech therapy and counseling. Graduates who earn degrees in the cellular and molecular neuroscience option can pursue careers in fields such as medicine and biomedical research.

Get more information about the B.S. degree in Neuroscience here.


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