Three Chief Charlo Students to be Honored by Governor Bullock
Three fourth and fifth students from Missoula’s Chief Charlo Elementary School will be in Helena on Wednesday to be honored by Governor Steve Bullock and other state officials.
MCPS Communications Director Hatton Littman explains why the youngsters are to be feted by Governor Bullock.
“Last year we had a group of fourth and fifth grade students from Chief Charlo Elementary who had created posters for a competition about internet safety,” said Littman. “On Wednesday, they will get to meet with the governor to be honored as part of the group of students statewide who have won the competition, so we’re really excited that those students get to travel with their librarian to Helena to meet with the governor.”
Littman said internet safety is an important tool that students learn at MCPS schools.
“Things like making sure you share your password only with a teacher or a trusted adult because passwords are meant to be private,” she said. “Things like not using your full name, phone number and address in areas where you need to protect your privacy, and then how to be a good friend and a good digital citizen and make sure that the same standards you would use for interpersonal relationships with friends face to face also apply to communications online.”
The Chief Charlo students will meet with Governor Steve Bullock and Department of Administration Director John Lewis at 11:30 a.m. in the Governor’s reception room at the State Capitol in Helena.
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