Steve Daines

Steve Daines Lambasts President Obama’s “War on Energy”
Steve Daines Lambasts President Obama’s “War on Energy”
Steve Daines Lambasts President Obama’s “War on Energy”
Yesterday, June 26, Montana's U.S. Representative Steve Daines lambasted the presidents recently proposed plan for curbing global warming through EPA enforcement of Coal and Oil facilities. Here is how Daines introduced his speech on the House floor.
Baucus, Daines Respond to Supreme Court Ruling on Defense of Marriage Act
Baucus, Daines Respond to Supreme Court Ruling on Defense of Marriage Act
Baucus, Daines Respond to Supreme Court Ruling on Defense of Marriage Act
Montana Senator Max Baucus and U.S. Representative Steve Daines offered two radically different perspectives on the June 25 decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court. At issue specifically were the court's rulings on the Defense of Marriage Act, which extended federal marriage benefits to same-sex couples.