Steve Bullock

Montana Term Limit Law Clarified
Montana Term Limit Law Clarified
Montana Term Limit Law Clarified
On Wednesday, Attorney General Steve Bullock released an opinion concerning Montana's term limits. The opinion allows Montana candidates that have not finished their mandated eight-year break from politics to file for office, but only if they will have completed an eight-year break for every 16-years of service by the time they take office again.
Should The Attorney General Join Lawsuit?
Should The Attorney General Join Lawsuit?
Should The Attorney General Join Lawsuit?
A bill was heard attempting to force Montana Attorney General, Steve Bullock  to join a Florida lawsuit, challenging the constitutionality of federal health care reform.  State Solicitor Anthony Johnstone says it's not the Attorney General's role to take on this type of case.
Water Rights For Montana
Water Rights For Montana
Water Rights For Montana
The fight on water rights between Montana and Wyoming has escalated to the U.S. Supreme Court. Montana Attorney General Steve Bullock says Montana wants to get the water it should. The court will rule later this year.