
Ravalli County Election Results
Ravalli County Election Results
Ravalli County Election Results
The races have been set for the November General Election in Ravalli County. Many of the incumbents are moving on to the November contest, with the exception of State Senator Gary MacLaren, who lost the Republican vote to Fred Thomas. In the contest for Clerk of District Court, Paige Allen Trautwein defeated Maureen Draper Presswood and Frederick Schiwal on the Republican ballot, and Marie Keeton
Ken Miller Campaign Points to Public Evidence to Prove Innocence
Ken Miller Campaign Points to Public Evidence to Prove Innocence
Ken Miller Campaign Points to Public Evidence to Prove Innocence
The Ken Miller for Governor campaign is crying foul against the Commissioner of Political Practices, Jim Murray. At a press meeting earlier today, the Miller campaign brought forward evidence from the Political Practices website to argue their point. Here's what the campaign had to say.

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