Montana Legislature

Attempt To Block Bills
Attempt To Block Bills
Attempt To Block Bills
Two Montana groups are trying to do what has only been done once in 18 years: block a bill by petition. One proposes to prevent sweeping changes to the state's medical marijuana law. The other wants to block a law that gives utilities the power of eminent domain.
62nd Legislative Session Adjourns
62nd Legislative Session Adjourns
62nd Legislative Session Adjourns
The 62nd Legislative session adjourned 88 days into the 90 day session last night. Legislators made final decisions on several bills before closure. They agreed Thursday on a method to fund K through 12 education. The plan redistributes about 18 million of oil and gas revenue and gives public schools a small funding increase to help cover the cost of inflation...
DNA Preservation
DNA Preservation
DNA Preservation
Supporters of a bill moving through the Montana Legislature say DNA crime scene evidence needs to be stored, for up to 30 years, to protect wrongfully convicted criminals, the measure would allow people convicted of murder or rape to request that the biological evidence from their cases be preserved for up to 30 years after conviction. State Senator Linda Moss.