
Model Sees With Prosthetic Eye for First Time Since Accident
Model Sees With Prosthetic Eye for First Time Since Accident
Model Sees With Prosthetic Eye for First Time Since Accident
Early in December, 23-year-old model Lauren Scruggs stepped in front of a propeller plane while the propeller was still spinning. In that instant, her life changed forever. The Texas model and blogger lost her left eye in the accident, but was recently seen in public last week with her prosthetic eye for the first time.
Could Your Eyes Counteract the Effects of Old Age?
Could Your Eyes Counteract the Effects of Old Age?
Could Your Eyes Counteract the Effects of Old Age?
For years scientists have tried to uncover why memory loss increases with age. While previous research has attributed it to heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity and inactivity, researchers at the University of Kansas School of Medicine, have gathered a provocative body of evidence that suggests that the aging of the eye could be the culprit.
Stress Hormone ‘Switch’ Could Improve Some Neurological Disorders
Stress Hormone ‘Switch’ Could Improve Some Neurological Disorders
Stress Hormone ‘Switch’ Could Improve Some Neurological Disorders
In reaction to a threat, our brains set off a chain of biochemical reactions that result in the release of cortisol — the body’s stress hormone — from the adrenal glands. Researchers have now discovered a switch in the brain for regulating this process, which could hold great promise for people suffering from stress-related neurological disorders.

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