Kathy Landin

15 Addictive Ways to Waste Time Online Now That the Kids Are Back at School
The school buses are running again, and the kids are out of the house. Finally. With the end of the far-too-long summer break, this return to school days can leave you with a little extra time on your hands during the day, right?

10 Ways to Give Your Kids a Boost By Helping Them Study Better
When your kids go back to school, it’s almost like you go back to school, too. Teachers and childhood development professionals agree that when a child’s parents are involved in his education, he learns more and gets better grades. That means, you have just as big a responsibility in his schoolwork as he does.

10 Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Order to Have the Best Summer Vacation Ever
At last, summer vacation time is here. If you haven’t started planning, it’s not too late. There’s a lot of summer ahead of us, and you can still find time to get out of town with your family before school starts back up again. Just make sure you you don’t fall into a few common traps and you’ll have the best vacation ever.

10 Great Online Stores Where You Can Buy the Perfect Last Minute Father’s Day Gift
Wake up. Sound the alarms. Father’s Day is on Sunday. It seems like we talk about Mother’s Day for a month before it actually happens, but Father’s Day just sneaks up on us every year. If this has happened to you and you aren’t prepared with a gift, it’s not too late.

10 Creative Ideas for Keeping Your Kids Busy This Summer
Even though you love your kids dearly and want to spend time with them, the months that kids are out of school can be the longest of the year for any parent. The key to a peaceful summer household is keeping the kids busy and entertained.

10 Moving Soldier Homecomings for Memorial Day
The service men and women of our country make huge sacrifices to fight battles on our behalf and keep the freedoms we hold dear. One of those sacrifices is being away from their families and loved ones for long periods of time. The only thing that makes this sacrifice bearable for most is the incredible sweetness of coming home, even if it is only for a short leave.

10 Hilarious Barbecue ‘Fails’ for Memorial Day
As Memorial Day opens the gate to summer, we all begin to plan our outdoor activities. Most of us will find a reason to get outside for the long weekend and enjoy food, friends, family and some delicious beverages. And really, it wouldn’t be a summer holiday without some grilling.

10 Essential Tips to Help You Get the Best Deals at Garage Sales
With the popularity of eBay and craigslist, it has become very easy to get great deals on “gently used” items without leaving the comfort of your home, but as the weather warms up, we can’t deny that there is just something much more exciting about finding those great deals while on the hunt at garage sales all over town.

Man Divorces Woman Over Her 550 Cats
Our pets are important to us, and a lot of times, we’ll consider whether a potential mate is a cat or dog person before we take the relationship to the next level. And, for almost everyone, whether or not your significant other gets along with your pets can be a deal breaker. But would you expect cats to be at the root of this couple’s divorce?

Cheating on Your Spouse Will Give You a Heart Attack
Obviously, cheating on your spouse is bad for your relationship, but a new study shows that it can also be pretty bad for your health. You would think the most dangerous possibility is that your wife will find out and beat you with a frying pan, but really, the danger comes before, while you’re still in the act.