gas prices

Just How High Will Gas Prices Go in 2012? – Dollars and Sense
Just How High Will Gas Prices Go in 2012? – Dollars and Sense
Just How High Will Gas Prices Go in 2012? – Dollars and Sense
Remember the summer of 2008 when the highest gas prices on record occurred and the price for a gallon of fuel hit $4.11? Hate to break this to yah, but a warm winter and tensions in the Middle East have some analysts predicting current prices will top $4 by this spring — and could even climb as high as $6.50.
How Will Current Geopolitical Events Effect Gas Prices?
How Will Current Geopolitical Events Effect Gas Prices?
How Will Current Geopolitical Events Effect Gas Prices?
Iran is threatening to close the Straits of Hormuz, again. News came out last week that the Keystone XL pipeline was turned down. But what does all of this mean for the price of gas at the local pump? Petroleum analyst Patrcik Dehaan explains the current situation.
Keystone XL Could Kill More U.S. Jobs Than It Creates [AUDIO]
Keystone XL Could Kill More U.S. Jobs Than It Creates [AUDIO]
Keystone XL Could Kill More U.S. Jobs Than It Creates [AUDIO]
The U.S. State Department is reviewing the pipeline proposal and, along with President Obama, must determine if the project is in the national interest before issuing a decision. According to a new economic analysis from the Cornell University Global Labor Institute the proposed pipeline could destroy more U...
Flooding Could Affect Gas Supply
Flooding Could Affect Gas Supply
Flooding Could Affect Gas Supply
The average price of gas in Montana has risen about 5 cents per gallon in the past week. Montana’s gasoline average is $3.71 per gallon.  In light of the flooding across the Central United States,

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