Mayor Leads Effort to Improve Missoula: Your Feedback Matters!Mayor Leads Effort to Improve Missoula: Your Feedback Matters!Keep an eye out for a postcard in your mailbox sent out by the City of Missoula.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Key Dates for Missoula Leaf Collection in 2024Key Dates for Missoula Leaf Collection in 2024Soon, leaf removal will begin and it's important to know: storm debris should not be included with any leaves that you'd like picked up. AshleyAshley
How to Properly Prepare Leaf Piles for Collection in MissoulaHow to Properly Prepare Leaf Piles for Collection in MissoulaPlease keep leaf piles and storm debris piles separate.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula City Council Hears Testimony About Camping in ParksMissoula City Council Hears Testimony About Camping in ParksThere were individuals representing viewpoints both for and against the amendment.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula Still Has Thousands of Trees That Need TreatingMissoula Still Has Thousands of Trees That Need TreatingRight now it is all about risk and hazard mitigation.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Plan Underway That May Bring Lights to the Reserve Street BridgePlan Underway That May Bring Lights to the Reserve Street BridgeThe City of Missoula has requested and received preliminary funding for a study that may include lighting the bridge.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Missoula Votes 10 to 2 to Fully Fund Johnson Street ShelterMissoula Votes 10 to 2 to Fully Fund Johnson Street ShelterPeople have had great concerns with the activity that's been taking place in the neighborhood.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
You Did Great! Missoula Storm Cleanup is About DoneYou Did Great! Missoula Storm Cleanup is About DoneDebris cleanup in Missoula advances faster than expected, credits community proactive efforts.Dennis BraggDennis Bragg
Missoula Warns: Hire Only Tree Pros for Storm CleanupMissoula Warns: Hire Only Tree Pros for Storm CleanupCity officials emphasize need for licensed and insured tree contractors in Missoula post-storm to prevent accidents.Dennis BraggDennis Bragg
Hurry and Get Your Missoula Storm Debris to the CurbHurry and Get Your Missoula Storm Debris to the CurbCleanup crews in Missoula moving swiftly post-storm, finishing work in Rattlesnake and University District in record time.Dennis BraggDennis Bragg