Students At Franklin – Lowell Schools To Be Moved Next School Year For New Construction
Elementary students at both Franklin and Lowell Schools will be moved to alternate buildings in the 2016-2017 school year, so that construction can begin on new or remodeled facilities.
MCSP Public Information Director Hatton Littman said the two schools face the most urgent need for new or updated buildings.
"We passed a bond in November of 2015 and we will be starting construction on two of our elementary schools, most dramatically this spring," Littman said. "That will impact Franklin Elementary and Lowell Elementary. The students who attend those schools will be attending a swing space school for the 2-16-2017 school year. Students who attend Franklin will be redirected to Jefferson Elementary, while students who attend Lowell Elementary will be redirected to Mount Jumbo Elementary."
Littman said the two schools are not currently being used as elementary schools.
"Jefferson Elementary is currently housing our preschool and our fine arts staff," she said. It simply retains the title Jefferson Elementary because that was how it was named when it first opened. Mount Jumbo in East Missoula, the school which will be housing students from Lowell Elementary, is right now being leased to an out-of-state satellite program. Both schools are being prepped as we speak to receive students for next year."
In addition, Littman said March 7 marks the start date for Kindergarten registration for the fall of 2016. While parents can register students at any time, MCPS is encouraging parents to register students between March 7th and April 15th, 2016 to get connected with their neighborhood school early and ensure success for their child.