A $1 million gift from the Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation helped to put a cherry on top of an over $2 million project to help complete the Westside Park Playground project.
Missoula Police utilized their SWAT team early Sunday morning in the apprehension of 26 year-old Missoula man accused of a fatal hit and run accident near Lowell School.
New designs for Franklin and Lowell Elementary Schools were unveiled at Tuesday night's MCPS board meeting in the administration building located on South Avenue near Sentinel High School.
Elementary students at both Franklin and Lowell Schools will be moved to alternate buildings in the 2016-2017 school year, so that construction can begin on new or remodeled facilities.
Missoula School District One officials and select guests spent Thursday morning on a bus tour, traveling to four of the city's oldest schools most in need of repair or replacement.