UPDATE – Bullock Spokesman Says Governor Had Two Official Visits in Missoula The Day of The Paul McCartney Concert – Met With McCartney Afterward at Sir Paul’s Request
UPDATE: Monday, July 11 2:00 p.m.
KGVO News spoke with Governor Steve Bullock's press secretary Tim Crowe on Monday at a campaign appearance in Missoula, who responded to Friday's story about use of the state plane to attend the Paul McCartney concert in 2014.
"The governor was in Missoula that day at the invitation of the University of Montana to come and attend the concert," Crowe said. "In addition to that, there were a few other functions that he attended prior to the concert. One was at Dennis Washington's ranch here in town where many economic developers were in attendance. He was able to spend some time with Dennis talking about economic development and moving the state forward in that direction. Then he also attended a function with UM President Royce Engstrom that also featured economic developers, as well as state employees that he was able to meet with prior to the concert. He attended the concert with President Engstrom and Mr. Washington."
Crowe said Bullock had one more meeting before returning to Helena later that night.
"On a side note, Paul McCartney wanted to meet personally with two people when he came to Montana," Crowe said. "One was the University of Montana president to thank him for hosting him there at the university, and also to meet with Governor Bullock to thank him for hosting him in Missoula, so that's the background of the concert visit."
Crowe said the records indicate that Bullock returned to Helena after the concert that night.
After a row over inappropriate uses of the state airplane, Montana Governor Steve Bullock is now being asked if that plane was used for personal enjoyment.
Flight logs indicate that the state plane landed at Missoula International Airport at 4:03 P.M., just about an hour before the doors were open to the public at the Paul McCartney concert on August 5, 2014. The concert was possibly the highest profile music event in Montana's history and many high-profile attendees were in the crowd, including Montana Governor Steve Bullock.
It is possible that there was official state business during this trip, but that also seems unlikely as the same plane was back in Helena before 7:23 A.M. the next morning, leaving little time for state functions. Additionally, several pictures were posted to social media showing the Governor at the concert, such as the one below.
Earlier this year, in March, Governor Bullock paid the state $2,671.82 after apparently using the plane 21 times for non-state business. It is unclear if the McCartney concert is one of the flights covered in that repayment.
Governor Bullock's office has been contacted for a response or explanation for the timing of the plane flights, but KGVO News has not yet received a response.
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