Special Election Voting in Ravalli County Underway
The regular polling places are open in Ravalli County for the special U.S. Congressional election May 25. The polls are open until 8 p.m.
All the polling places are the same as the last general election - with one exception.
The Hamilton precincts 4 - 9 will not vote at Hamilton High School because of graduation preparations. Instead, the voting is a few blocks away at the Ravalli County Fairgrounds. The polls are in the Floral Building next to the grandstands. (See photo) Look for the signs.
The ballot will include the U.S. Congressional race to select a replacement for Ryan Zinke, who was selected to be Interior Secretary.
That ballot will be a bit different in the Hamilton School District #3. Two money issues will be on the ballot:
The bond and levy will replace a construction bond that built the new high school school, which is paid off next year. That would maintain the same taxing level.
Results from the election later tonight will be available on KLYQ 1240 AM Radio and at www.klyq.com (and our new cellphone app - 1240 klyq).