Last week we examined some of the perspectives of sexual assault through the eyes of elected officials, advocates, and counselors.  This week, we focus on the perspective of a sexual assault victim.  We'll hear in the victim's own words what happened, how law enforcement responded, and what the future holds.

Meet Kerry Barrett.  She graduated Saturday from the University of Montana with a degree in psychology.  Today's program describes what happened on the night she was assaulted.  Listen here... 


The photos in this week's blogs are all T-shirts, many of them created by victims of sexual assault.  They were pinned to the Line of Courage, developed by the Department of Defense's Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Office.  The DoD leadership is focused on maintaining a workplace environment that rejects sexual assault and reinforces a culture of prevention, response, and accountability.  You can learn more about SARP at this website.

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