Scam Uses Fake Department of Labor Letter to Target Montana Businesses
The Montana Department of Labor and Industry has seen an usually high number of scams targeting Montana business over the past few months. Now a new deception has been discovered.
"This is the second scam targeting employers so far this year," said Department spokeswoman, Casey Kyler-West. Earlier this year we had a scam that was asking employers for their employee separation information, kind of employing as the unemployment insurance division. Now, this new scam is targeting employers asking for their account information so they can set up automatic withdrawals."
The scam has appeared in the form of a letter from the U.S. Department of Labor and says it will make automatic withdrawals in March if no action is taken. Labor commissioner Pam Bucy recommends that any Montana employer receiving this fraudulent request not reply with any information and call the Montana fraud investigator at (406) 444-1709.