Sarah Calhoun of White Sulphur Springs, founder of Red Ants Pants, which makes durable, yet flattering workwear for women, has been invited to Washington, D.C. for a summit of small business owners.

The summit, organized by the Small Business Majority, will be held in Washington, D.C on May 11-13, and will include a visit to the White House. Red Ants Pants was the only Montana business invited to the summit.

Red Ants Pants
photo courtesy of Red Ants Pants


Calhoun said she will be discussing issues common to all small business across the country.

"The big three that I'm interested in are the importance of rural infrastructure," Calhoun said. "Since White Sulphur Springs is a community of about 900 people, we have concerns about highways, broadband and water systems. I'm also intrested in discussing workforce development and having support and educational programs for trade schools and making sure that we have a really strong and skilled workforce."

She will also be discussing issues such as healthcare, minimum wage, family medical leave and retirement savings.

Calhoun said even though a trip to the White House has been scheduled, there was no firm commitment of who would attend, but she is ready for any contingency with her Red Ants Pants, just in case.

"We actually have Michelle Obama's size all dialed in, and hopefully we'll be able to get a pair to her," she said. "It's a good time of the year for gardening."

From White Sulphur Springs to the White House, via a pair of Red Ants Pants.

Why the name 'Red Ants Pants'? Calhoun explains that in an ant colony, the female ants do all the work, which just about says it all.



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