Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - On May 25, 2024, Missoula County Sheriff’s Office Deputies were called to Loraine Dr. for a report of a male trespassing. A corporal arrived in the Miller Creek area a short time later and observed a male who matched the given description. The corporal parked his patrol vehicle and attempted to stop the male. However, the male did not stop. 

The corporal observed a vehicle approaching the male from the south and the male moved completely into the lane of northbound travel. The corporal stepped in to intercept the male before he could continue into oncoming traffic. The corporal shoved the male immediately out of the roadway and into his patrol vehicle’s front driver quarter panel.  

The corporal attempted to place the male into handcuffs, but the male reached up and back with his left hand in a sweeping motion. The corporal recognized this action as an overtly hostile or assaultive act since it appeared his intent was to grab the corporal’s head. 

The Male Continues to Fight With the Corporal 

The corporal pulled the male’s right arm down and the male fell to the ground. The corporal followed the male to the ground, placing his body on top of the male. The corporal noted the male was struggling to throw him off of his back.  

The corporal continued to apply pressure to the male’s back, but the male grabbed the corporal’s left arm. The corporal tried to remove the male’s arm, but the male grabbed the corporal’s left arm with his fingernails as if to claw at the corporal’s skin. At one point, the corporal felt his skin being removed by the male’s fingernails.  

Since the male was actively resisting and had injured the corporal’s left arm, the corporal issued a single strike to the male’s right upper ribcage with his right fist. The male let go of the officer’s arm, which allowed the corporal to control the male on the ground until backup arrived. A short time later, a deputy arrived and the male was taken into custody. 

READ MORE: Missoula News – Crime Reports 

Male Snaps His Teeth at Law Enforcement 

According to court documents, the male continued to resist law enforcement actions by pulling away and snapping his teeth as if to bite deputies. The male snapped his teeth several more times and also tried to headbutt the corporal. The corporal noted it appeared the male was under the influence of drugs.  

The male was identified as 34-year-old Adam Licata. Licata continued to make nonsensical statements to the deputy during transport to the jail. The corporal then left the scene and went to the nearest fire station to clean his wounds. He noted Licata had removed the skin from his left arm with his fingernails, causing it to bleed. 

Licata is currently being charged with felony assault on a peace officer and obstructing a peace officer.  

The information in this article was obtained from sources that are publicly viewable. 

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