Man Slugs Missoula Officer in the Head Several Times
Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - On September 15, 2023, a Missoula Police Department Officer was near the area of the Mountain Rail Link Park and noticed a male, later identified as Mark Winslow, sitting on a bench next to a walking trail. Upon greeting Winslow, the officer noticed what appeared to be an open container of alcohol next to Winslow. The officer asked about the alcohol. Winslow asked if it was illegal to have alcohol, stood up, and walked towards a trash can.
The officer asked his name and Winslow provided a false first name of “Andrew.” He refused to provide a last name and instead asked if he was being arrested. The officer told Winslow that he was not under arrest and explained the reason for the contact.
Winslow claimed he did not have an ID and refused to provide his last name. Believing Winslow was lying about his identity and obstructing his investigation, the officer asked Winslow to stand up. Winslow refused and continued to argue with the officer. The officer instructed Winslow to put his hands behind his back, and Winslow leaned away and said “No.”
Winslow Fights With the Officer
Winslow took a fighting stance and charged at the officer. The officer radioed for help and Winslow continued charging at him and throwing punches towards his head. Winslow struck the officer in the side of the head. However, the officer was able to create some distance and drew his Conducted Energy Weapon.
At some point, Winslow took a few steps toward his backpack and the officer told him he would be tazed if he did not comply. To protect against an assault with a possible weapon, the officer deployed his CEW without effect. The officer holstered the CEW and drew his OC Spray. Winslow struck the officer with his backpack in the upper torso/head area causing physical pain.
Winslow began walking away and the officer tried to take physical control of him. During this, the OC Spray was dropped. Winslow threw violent punches at the officer, hitting him multiple times in the head and causing pain. The officer fell to the ground while Winslow continued to throw punches.
The Officer Continues to Struggle With Winslow
The officer was able to get to his feet during the assault, sustaining additional blows to the head. During the ongoing assault, the officer felt Winslow grab his external vest, pulling his radio mic away. The officer was finally able to push Winslow away and was able to use his radio belt to update responding officers. Winslow picked up the cannister of OC Spray and pointed it towards the officer before throwing it in the garden when it would not deploy.
The officer drew his pistol and pointed it at Winslow. Winslow finally complied with commands to get on the ground. Another officer arrived and assisted in taking Winslow into custody.
The officer had multiple areas of pain on the side and back of his head, had a large lump on the back of his head with some minor bleeding, and also had pain in his upper back and lower neck area. The officer was transported to the ER department at St. Patrick’s Hospital. His heart rate was so elevated that he was required to remain in the ER until it was regulated. Winslow was cleared at the hospital and would not answer questions about his injuries or identify himself.
Winslow was placed under arrest and transported to the Missoula County Detention Facility. He is currently being charged with felony assault on a peace officer and resisting arrest. On September 18, 2023, Winslow made his initial appearance in Missoula Justice Court and his bond was set at $100,000.
The information in this article was obtained from sources that are publicly viewable.