Public Comment Open For Old Faithful Area [AUDIO]
Yellowstone National Park is looking for ways to restore visitor lodging in the Old Faithfull area, while accommodating permanent and seasonal lodging for park employees. Park spokesman Dan Hottle says they are considering a plan to improve the visitors’ experience and seeking public comment. (That interview is attached below)
In considering a reasonable range of alternatives, at least one alternative allows existing Old Faithful Lodge cabin units that currently house park concessioner staff to be made available for overnight visitor use. The units are some of the most affordable lodging in the park. That alternative would also call for the construction of a new 77-room dormitory in the Old Faithful administrative area to house up to 144 employees displaced by the change. The 28 multiplex cabins consisting of 67 units accommodates approximately 140 overnight visitors.
Public comments can be made on Yellowstone National Park’s website until December 20th.