This is my 'Ode to Snow'...otherwise the white death! Yes...I hate snow! It clogs the roads, tangles traffic, and just generally ruins my life! Ah, but you say...what about all the 'winter sports' that depend on snow? My reply...are they really 'sports'? Nay!! Sliding down a snowcovered hill on greased sticks is not a is organized masochism, I say!! Hunters like snow, because it moves big game to where they are more easily taken...good news for the hunter..bad news for the elk!! How much do I hate snow..really? My wife and children are under orders..that when I die, my remains shall be placed  in such a location that will never see or even dream of a snowflake falling on them....ever!!

Can you tell I just finished shoveling my 150 foot hand...for the second time today?

The end.


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