New Missoula Clerk of District Court a Big Fan of ‘Yellowstone’
Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - With the retirement of Shirley Faust after 20 years as the Missoula County Clerk of District Court, the Missoula County Commissioners appointed her Chief Deputy Amy McGhee as her interim replacement until the next election.
KGVO News spoke to McGhee on Thursday afternoon about the position.
“I've been Shirley Faust’s chief deputy for the last just over two years, and she retired as of yesterday, and since her position was elected the commissioners were able to appoint someone as interim to fill out to finish her term,” began McGhee.
McGhee described the duties of the Clerk of District Court for the Fourth Judicial District.
“The clerk of court is the official record keeper for all filings in the Fourth Judicial District, Missoula County,” she said. “So any of documents that are filed into any cases, we are the official record keeper. We also assist the judges. We have a deputy clerk in the courtroom each time there are judges on the bench. They keep the minutes of what goes on in the hearings. We also issue all of the marriage licenses for Missoula County, and I think we're closing in on 1,000 so far this year.”
McGhee described the biggest challenge as the Clerk of District Court, which most employers will find all too familiar.
“Like any business, across the state nation, and around the world, we're facing staffing shortages currently,” she said. “So that's been a challenge and you know, statutorily we have to be in court every time a judge is on the bench. And so it's been challenging, but our current staff has been absolutely incredible and filling in when needed and it's all hands on deck most days.”
Since the wildly popular television series ‘Yellowstone’ has used the Missoula County Courthouse for filming on many occasions, KGVO asked if McGhee was a fan of the show. She replied ‘absolutely’!
“I've actually put in to be an extra for years,” she said enthusiastically. “I would love it. And when they were filming here, I won't lie, I was plastered to my window in hopes of seeing Kevin Costner, who I did get to see and it was great. But no, I have not personally been involved. I'd love to be, though.”
The Fourth Judicial District has five elected judges, including Jason Marks, Leslie Halligan, Robert L. ‘Dusty’ Deschamps, John Larson, Shane Vannatta, and Standing Masters Amy Rubin and Gail Bourguignon.