A study has just ranked all 50 States by College Affordability for Students and Families. Unfortunately Montana did not do too well. 

A study published by the Institute for Research on Higher Education at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School shows the difficulty many families are having paying for college even after financial aid is taken into account.

Screen shot http://peabody.vanderbilt.edu/research/studies/affordability/maps_pub4.php
Screen shot http://peabody.vanderbilt.edu/research/studies/affordability/maps_pub4.php

The report from the IRHE at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School states that In Montana, 39 percent of working-age residents had at least an associate’s degree in 2014. But it's estimated 69 percent of the state’s jobs will require a post-secondary degree by 2020.

Montana ranked at 40 overall in this study. Not a good outlook for college students who don't always have all the means to pay for school.



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